Janvier Plants | Lisboa Cool
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Janvier Plants

Plants as an art form

Janvier Plants is Claire’s way of expressing her passion. After a 180 degree life change, Claire decided to abandone her career in digital marketing, and set her route towards the plants’ industry. Since she was in love with portuguese people and its mentality, Claire could only be choosing this place for Janvier to live. The showroom is the creative hub where magic happens – but make no mistakes: this is not a simple plant shop.

Janvier Plants is all about bringing green indoors and help people reconnect their minds and hearts with Nature. “Plants provide structure and character to our spaces and our lives”, and for this reason, all of Janvier’s services serve this purpose.

Both in the online store, and the hALL showroom, you can find exotic indoor plants, as well as Portuguese outdoor plants, plant kits and other plant related goods (soils, books, cool merchandising, etc.). Did you know each plant is sold with a Plant Care to help you maintain it? Here’s something else really cool about the online shop: if you live nearby, you can choose the click and collect option!

Janvier also collaborates with local artisans to provide an immersive experience – all the pots are handmade in Portugal, either made by local artisans or other Portuguese artists. But as we stated, there’s more to Janvier than selling plants: Claire and her team also work with interior design projects, installations, plant maintenance of every kind and landscaping, to help you (your house, your business, your company) take care of your plants or design something new and lively, both inside and outdoors, either with architects, landscapers or interior designers. There’s a huge concern with sustainability around this creative place - plants are locally sourced whenever possible, they are created with sustainable practices, and every package is made with recycled products – you really have to think green to become green!

Our visit to the showroom left us amazed. What we came across was a lovely urban jungle, in a place so filled with passion, creativity, gratitude and connection with Nature, we had to fight the urge to bring home each of the plants and handmade pots. The best part is that this showroom can be rent to host your photoshoot or your event, and you can have Janvier’s team help you create the atmosphere you wish to exhale – oh, and the plants can also be rented for private events, how cool is that?

Dica Cool: Looking for a cool gift or souvenir for a special event? You can either choose to offer your plant lover friend a gift card, or you can choose among Janvier’s plants a cool corporate gift plant!


Visits by Appointment