Luvaria Ulisses | Lisboa Cool
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Luvaria Ulisses

Portugal’s last glove shop

Did you know that the Ulisses Glove Shop is in part associated with the creation of Lisbon’s greatest hotspot: Chiado? It all started in 1923 when one of Lisbon’s City Hall councilors, Joaquim Rodrigues Simões, was granted the concession of the Carmo Wall which he promptly turned into a commercial area.

Spaces that were prepared to be transformed into stores were built, all except the glove shop that was a mere 4 m². But this small size has an explanation. At the time, Joaquim reserved that building for his own personal office space, and whose glove shop would soon occupy the entrance. In the meantime, in 1925, Chiado was already a renowned area, frequented by high society and so the councilor believed it would be a waste to not have that door open for business as well. He began to think about what type of item he could sell in such a small space and the idea of gloves – an accessory extremely in vogue at that time – came to him.

And that is how the Ulisses Glove Shop was born, a name inspired by Greek mythology and which continues to this day, now in the hands of Carlos Carvalho.

Manufactured by the glove shop itself, these gloves are unique and of extreme quality. In order to preserve its quality and brand name, the creation process remains exactly the same as in the beginning. Here you can find several models of gloves and colors. There are 7 sizes with small differences between them, but enough to get a perfect glove, with a perfect fit. Did you know that when you buy a pair of gloves here, repairs are free and unlimited in time. And there is no need to bring a receipt, because the gloves from Ulisses are unmistakable. An accessory that never goes out of style and that always looks elegant, on anyone’s hands. This space features a matching decor, which despite being from the 1920s, is still unique.

Much more than a simple glove shop, this a place worth visiting because not only is it one of the few examples of a traditional 1920's style store, but also because it is the only glove shop in Portugal and one of the few in Europe. Challenge: pay a visit to this shop and try on a pair of these beautiful gloves – you most certainly won’t resist bringing them with you.


Mon - Sat: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm | Closed: 1st Jan, 1st May and 25th Dec